Welcome Career Services Professionals!
Informational Interview Articles.com is a free website that teaches students and alumni everything they need to know about how to use informational interviews to explore career paths and find jobs.
I created this free website with more than 40 articles because I’ve had countless college students and alumni ask me how to conduct informational interviews learn about new career options, access their career ideas, get advice on how to land a job at a specific company, and find unadvertised job openings.
I’d really like to partner with you to help your students and alumni use informational interviews to get the career results they want.
Here are some easy ways we can work together:
Link to 40 Online Articles. Please feel free to add a link on your career services’ website to www.InformationalinterviewArticles.com. The site’s articles include sample informational interview request emails, how to prepare for an informational interview, best questions to ask depending on their situation, sample thank you notes, and a unique guide on how to follow up after the informational interview to get more assistance.
Online Webinar: We can co-host a free 60-minute webinar to show students and alumni exactly how they can use LinkedIn.com to find the precise people who can provide career advise and job search support. Once your students and alumni see the advanced search strategies in action, they will be shocked at how easy it is to grow their network and find people who can support their career success. It’s an interactive webinar, and I’ll answer participants’ questions too.
Buy the Book: The Informational Interview Handbook a handy and complete resource for your career services staff and department. Single copies can be purchased on Amazon (http://goo.gl/yIdL08). A 30% discount is offered on quantity purchases of 10 or more books.
Recommendation: If you believe the Informational Interview Handbook would be a good addition to your campus bookstore or library, please let me know who to contact and I’m happy to let them know about this new publication.
To discuss these or your ideas on how we can partner together to help your students and alumni use informational interviews to achieve the career success they want, please call me at (800) 680-1729, email me at Jeff@NewCareerBreakthrough.com or submit the contact form below: